I've listened this song in loop for the past 2 days and all this time i been trying to figure out what does it make it so special from the others of the MCR discography.
"Kill all your friends" it's in the side B of the single "Famous last words" by My Chemical Romance out in 2007. The way i see it, it talks about how the death of a friend bring the fact that you have to meet with others friends to the funeral, and how you can get joy from the sadness (that comes with, of course, losing someone close to you) It's light in the dark, basically.
The lyrics together with the melody and the feeling that gives the voice of Gerard (singer) it just makes my heart melt, every time i hear it i just want to sing it the loudest i can 'till my lungs explode.
But even i want to believe that there is a reason why it's so different from the others the reality it's just that it have a special meaning for me. Even som i think you should give it a try.
it's a 4/5 black eye liner.
[Edit: i put the video clip in it. exhor]
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