their like ''miLLenIAl Are PussY, THey cAN't dO phYSicaL wORk.
or Their like ''ok boomer...'' (because, apparently it's offensive)
Would it be great to answer them with a song? well, i got the few songs for you, just make sure the lyrics fit your intention.
The first one, you probably herd it once or two in some radions station in 2009 before it get censored or simply removed. It's called Fuck You by Lily Allen. And, before you ask, No, She's not the one behind Dumb Way To Die, this one is by Tangerine Kitty.
This Song, (Fuck You) is headed toward racist, short minded or anyone who think being the center of the univers. This pop song is really soft and can sound joyful for those who doesn't speak a word of English.
Fuck You by Lily Allen
(Apparently, I can't link the official video so here an alternative video...
i'm sorry for the artist, apparently Blogger see something to sensor in it...)
link for the video on the artist YT page bellow
The person you tried to reach with this song didn't get it, or you're just fed up of their bullshit, well... This next song Should do! STFU by Joji, or should i call him Pink Guy. This guy is hilariously trash, especially in this song. Publish in 2017, this song low-key tell the listener to shut it up and go die... ...wait, what i'm saying there?? it's not low-key at all!
Also, he is not autistic, he is an Japanese and Pink Guy is a character... ...racist...
STFU by Pink Guy
The third one is quiet obvious and if you use the expression, you don't need an explanation. EXCEPT you call out a kid with that, at this point, i will think that you're an idiot. Boomer in the generation born in the aftermath of the world war two, between 1945 and 1965. It could refer to the mindset of an elder who's too deep in their lie to se that they're wrong.
The song is named Ok Boomer by Peter Kuli and Jedwill, it's also the most recent one in the list, published on YouTube in 2019, this song have a loud bass line and the voices, like everything pick and surprisingly enough, it's just passive agressive line. no swear word, no vulgar imagery.
Ok Boomer by Peter Kuli and Jedwill
This last one is is from my side of the world, and it's aim for those who speak in french. or maybe not. It's probably better if they don't know the meaning of it...
The title is ''Berceuse pour les pas fins'' also know as ''Crève mon sale'' and it's a song from a French Canadian Band Called ''Crampe en masse''. don't let it fool you, this lullaby from 1998 is like a punch in the guts. The chorus literally say ''Die Bastard'' in French Quebec dialect. the rest of the lyrics are obscenity's that i'm not gonna repeat.
Berceuse pour les pas fins by Crampe en masse
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