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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hadwin and Joplin

I was watching for the X-time the Courtney Hadwin gold buzzer moment from America's Got Talent 2018 and i keep getting the same thrill than the firs I hear it. She's truly awesome in her performance and I should say, it was the firs time discovered Janis Joplin. Well, not exactly, Joplin is the kind of legend you hear once, somewhere, but you can't pin point where nor who is she.

Since this day, I try my best to not forget those legendary artists and those child's who carry those souls. I would be a big liar to say that I can see these gifted child's in first sight, heck, I barely recognize public personality when I see one. What i'm saying is, they're importent to me, I want them to success, to bind with the legend they're close with and create! Those old souls didn't come back to continue with what they has once, or to see their successor reinterpreting the craft of other. They are Muses, It's giving up on them to not going forward.

I admit to not knowing Joplin really well, acknowledging that I don't know her life and really few titles she sing. I'm a bad Joplin fan, but every time i herd a title i didn't know, I fall in love with what she made. The way she sing, the way the the song is build, the way everything sound. She sing love, she sing with pain and she sing with all is might like no one. A voice who melt my heart... I know that she had a tragic end, and maybe this is why I just want to hear her music, not thinking what's behind it, and maybe that's why I'm a bad Joplin fan.

Nowadays we have Courtney Hadwin. This blog post will probably get lost in the wave of information and maybe have 15 view overall, but if she saw those words, by the purest of luck,  I wish her to create and success. ...and to Stay away from the devil Janis fall for.       

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