A. De La N. -Colourful
When i see this word irremediably think to Mika, but, I'm not a big fan of him. So, what I've done is asking myself; what's represent the most something colorful that i love? the term Anime or Japanese animation come by himself. I wanted to use the song Locesick By Moe Shop to illustrate my point but another title come to my mind at the last second who will illustrate perfectly what's colourful to me.
For those who watches anime will recognize the main theme of keep your hands of the motion picture club (Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!) And I named Easy Breezy By Chelmico. The song is an amalgam of pop, rap, reggae-ton really well mixed. it's harmonized as it's burst in every direction.
G. D-G. -Troll
An easy answer would have been a Rick-roll, but let's see the Trolls for what they once where. Terrible creature eater of children who terrorized the folks of these old times. I've always been a big fan of the Dark Ambient music genre. With the time, i learned to recognize some title, artist, and label. One label in particular named Cryo Chamber are the host of some of my favorite artist in this style of music. And one of them is Worldclock who made the song Heralds. to say it shortly, it's soft bus surly creepy.
This song (minus the video) reflect well what's my idea of a Troll hunt, nerve racking and macabre.
This song (minus the video) reflect well what's my idea of a Troll hunt, nerve racking and macabre.
A. De La N. -Vision
Ha yes! Vision for me not only refer of what we see, but what we can imagine too. Thereby, there is nothing like jazz to to escape our imagination. When i herd of Take Five by Dave Bruebeck i see in my mind the gleams of a big city and the nocturnal life of those dwellers with their cordiality and unique grasp on life. Those night bird who define their life by the play of shadow and light.
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