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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

weird ? How they sound

The nice thing with internet is, when you look for a specific music instrument you can found someone who play of it on YouTube as much weird as the instrument is...
Lets jump right into it.

Hurdy gurdy
This instruent as been a favorite of mine since I discovered it. To describe it, it's a kind of violin build with a wheel un a lute frame. It was in first time a really long instrument played by 2 players and reserved th the church. when organ's become more popular in church, luthier come wit the idea to create a smaller version and become so popular than the started to use luth frame to produce them. with time the instrument lost his nobility and become the instrument of blinds and beggar to slowly disappear, until nowadays where renaissance fair got this instrument back to life.

The video i chose is something that i'm pretty sure could be in a video-game. It's filling the silence and sound like desperation. it's a played by Andrey Vnogradov, named Dark Medieval Ballad. Hurdy-Gurdy, Organ Drone and drum. Fev. 2020 

This name was surprisingly familiar to me without knowing why. I discovered afterward that it's originally a medieval string instrument that you use with some kind of drum sticks... That thing said, why those i see look completely different? long body, only 4 string, holes on both side of the neck...
apparently, it exist an american instrument with the same name, more correctly named Appalachian Dulcimer. The name is derived from the mountain chains from where it came, the Appalaches.

Searching a song for this instrument is really funny because it seem easy to interpret any genre of folk music with it. I also have the impression that there is more tutorial online than song recorded...
I chose a song from the channel Dulcimus called Black Mountain Rag... ...mostly because it's well record and the song is good. A lots of them seem to not know how tu record frankly or the quality is way too bad for my taste. That's why...

I love old horror movie. It's kitsch and they absolutely abuse of the theremin. I found it sad that as much it's well know, really few tend to experiment whit it. Apparently, it's insanely hard to get one and this make it more hard to master. most of the time, Theremin user tend to stay in ballads songs or a slow register, but i found few exception like Rob Scallon who made a metal song with it, but I can't found the full song on YouTube for you , so I opted for a guy called Mezerg who use it to do a techno. It's not the only one I found doing this, but so far, he is one of the best I hear. Also, I will definitively cover what he do in the futur, he is awesome.

The song in question is called Welcome Theremin, publish in 2019. enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed it as mush as I do. I will probably cover the topic more in the near futur, so tell me, which instrument you want me to cover in the futur?

feel free to send me a message in the comment section!
On that said,
See Ya!   

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