Lockdown by Koffee. 17 July 2020
Lets Start by the last song I founded interesting. A Reggae song about, you guess it, the actual lock-down caused by the covid-19... ...or about a breakup? The song sound great, but I have an hard time to understand what she said. Don't blame me, English is my second language.
The song is refreshing and pleasant to hear, even if it's predictable. And by that I mean, once you hear the first verse, you quickly realize that it gonna be the same for the rest of it. even the back signer if predictable. This is at the limit of sounding mechanical, not really organic. A bit weird for a Reggae song.
Also, can we speak about the fact that they're in public and not keeping a responsible distance nor wearing a mask. jk jk
Lockdown by Koffee. 17 July 2020
Pac-Man, by Gorrilaz and Schoolboy Q. 20 July 2020
You know, when you forgot about an artist you like and suddenly found out they never stopped their work but it's just meh... That's exactly what I feel for them right now. I was Happy to see that they came with a new title yesterday but it's quite forgettable. The song is so generic that I couldn't see the difference if they made it this month or five year ago. I can understand that keeping your style and sound identity is importent to keep their fans base, but this song feel like a filler on a compilation.
I'm not sure where they want to go with this collaboration but they can do better.
Call me a hater if you want, but after 10 minutes, I already struggle to remember the tune of this song. It's simply too similar of what they've done in the past, other song keep piling over it in my head.
You know, when you forgot about an artist you like and suddenly found out they never stopped their work but it's just meh... That's exactly what I feel for them right now. I was Happy to see that they came with a new title yesterday but it's quite forgettable. The song is so generic that I couldn't see the difference if they made it this month or five year ago. I can understand that keeping your style and sound identity is importent to keep their fans base, but this song feel like a filler on a compilation.
I'm not sure where they want to go with this collaboration but they can do better.
Call me a hater if you want, but after 10 minutes, I already struggle to remember the tune of this song. It's simply too similar of what they've done in the past, other song keep piling over it in my head.
Pac-Man, by Gorrilaz and Schoolboy Q. 20 July 2020
Stardust, by Frank Sinatra. 1940
The pain in my back really annoy me Ant I know too muche well that not everything will calm my nerve. If there is one thing that help me to cope with my situation is something like good old music. For some reason, Frank Sinatra seem to be my go to right now. There is something in it that make me feel in peace. maybe it's the low tempo or this fake nostalgia of a better time I never know. all I know is, right now, it feel like a lullaby and my back pain feel weirdly lighter.
Stardust, by Frank Sinatra. 1940
So, on that, I'll say take care everyone!
See ya later!
See ya later!
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