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Monday, July 20, 2020

A motley weekend on my back

First of all, I want to apologies for this empty weekend, not mush of you have seen mi last post since I didn't link anywhere. I hurt my back and it's only the first day that I can stand up without the need of cane... 

Also, a little note here, I'll reduce my number of poste to Friday to Monday instead to trying to keep it all week long. I'm not alone in this blog, we gonna figure out something tu sustain it.

Long story short I hurt my back Thursday and i couldn't play with my CD's Even less with my Record player... but I still have access to my cellphone and google home mini, so I still fund some interesting song over the weekend that I judged Interesting enough to share it with you. So, here's my motley playlist...

Smash Ultimate, Medieval Style, by LJB0. 18 July 2020   
This one was a surprise on my YouTube Feed. It's hard to believe how well this song is in this style. It would be legitimate to hear it in a renaissance fair and i'm pretty sure that nobody will question it. The Song have a little something that, I'm pretty sure that, with lyrics of a bard, could uplift a party to go to an adventure. 

Also, This guy made a lot of video game theme in medieval theme and it would be a perfect fit for Tabletop Rpg's soundtrack. 

Smash Ultimate, Medieval Style, by LJB0. 18 July 2020  

Eat My Ass, by Belle Delphine. 14 July 2020.
I don't remember who send me this last Friday night, (he/she would probably recognize them-self) but... Fuck you. If there is a thing I dont want to do, is simping over such a trashy troll like that, but at the same time, the song is not bad. I she wasn't this slutty, she could definitively have a carrer in the music industries. Well... ...being deprave never stop other to...  Anyway, that's not the point here. The song is simple and catchy, and that bass is extra. Minus point for the high notes, kind of siren sound that stuck in my mind after the song... 

...yeah, ok. The song is not that great, but it's stick in my head and I don't want to be the only one to suffer. 
Obviously, It's mature content... 

Eat My Ass, by Belle Delphine. 14 July 2020

Fear of a Blank Planet, By Porcupine Tree. 2007
This is he song that make me do this list, I'm Currently listening to the album online an will probably do a Review of this band later, probably Friday. I was considering to post nothing at all until Friday, But I listen to so mush interesting song that I couldn't let them go without. 

This is the kind of music I like to listen, sit in a darkness only rip by the shy light of a candle. My mind is evading me on the flow of this music. quite hard to focus in this post while listening to this song... I love this anxious guitare at the opening ant its overall creepiness. Call me mad if you want, but this is my kind of music. I love Dark Ambient and Progressive Rock with this same hot shadow it put me in. So far, my playlist of tonight have been Made of Tool, Dream Theater, a bit of Creed and This... (I will not poste them, It will defy what I try to do right now.

Fear of a Blank Planet, By Porcupine Tree. 2007

Dunah, A vintage Drum Cove of Louis Armstrong, by Sticky Wicket. 2019.
I think it was Saturday early morning, that I put some old jazz on YouTube (on my television)  to simply fall asleep and woke up past 10 on this guy play. his voice before the song wake me up and when I open my eyes to see this old and simple drum set, I couldn't look away.

Dunah, A vintage Drum Cove of Louis Armstrong, by Sticky Wicket. 2019

I Want candy, By Mc Chris. 2007.
Thursday evening I was in a craving for some sweets while I was stuck in pain in my bed. My savior Wakky come to my help by bringing me chocolate bar. My heroine... 
I discover this song on the Twitch Channel of Jimathers, the creator of Foamy the Squirrel. It was the ending song of the chow he do with Pum'kin Guy.    

So, to continue the story, this song come to my mind after consuming my last bar... sometime I annoy myself. 

I Want candy, By Mc Chris. 2007

So, that's it oft tonight, I hope you like it.
On that,
See Ya! 

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