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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Recommandation of Kitakami by NercyTalkie

My week have been tainted with a song who gave me energy every morning I listent it. It's called 北上のススメ. Google translate it by Recommandation of Kitakami in English.
It's from the band named NercyTalkie, album ZOO!!
...Obviously Japanese.

I really like the uplifting beat of this J-rock band that i really loved to explore after the discovery of this song. The main singer may seem having a childish voice, but it's really pleasant to ear... ...and she's cute to watch! The motley but harmonious side of each band member make it even  more interesting. I really like the fact that every member have a complementary line. of course, the singer have the high hand with the second solo, but that's not the point here.

we have a guitarist who put some spark to the song, a pianist who put a really joyful melody. The singer sing really well and with her guitare make a really good undertone. the drummer make it extra ant the bassist here, make it perfect. Seriously, Bravo. even if I don't speak a word of Japanese I Appreciate it for the warm effect it have on me.

So yeah, Song of the week!

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tell me your favorite song in the comment and I'll review it!

[Edit: Singer, not Signer]

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